Salutations to all of our fellow Fashionable Friends. Come in, come in! We are so pleased that you could visit us. Please sit down and make yourselves comfortable. Will you take tea? Cream? No? One lump or two? Are we all settled in? Good. Oh, napkins of course! I do beg your pardon!
And now, we would like to take this opportunity to introduce to you a most Fashionable and Important lady. Though if she heard us call her "Important" she would most assuredly blush with Feminine Modesty. (She has the sweetest disposition!)
Miss Emaline Rose Foster
Miss Emaline was born in Germany in the year 1845, on February the 17th. In the same year, her family immigrated to America in search of freedom and adventure. Emaline loved growing up on her family's farm. She loves to sketch and take long walks with her cousins. She enjoys working in her kitchen garden and baking with her mother. She loves to dance, go to the theater and host fashionable parties and sewing circles for her many friends. She is a very adventurous and imaginative young lady and is always up for a good Fling.
One of her greatest interests is Fashion. While frivolity is something she makes Every Effort to avoid, she delights in being fashionable as well as studying the different arts and styles of fashion in all forms. Which is why she, along with her Fashionable cousins, has started this Circle of Fashionable Friends. She hopes that it will prove to be a place to ask questions, share ideas and post photographs of our latest (fashionable) projects. And of course, we must have all the news about the latest linens from Paris!
Thank you ever so much for joining us for tea. We hope you enjoyed meeting our esteemed matriarch and founder of this Circle of Fashionable Friends.
Come again often to meet our other members and admire their Fashionable findings.
Please feel free to comment anytime you wish. We would be delighted to hear from you.
With most sincere regards,
The Members of Miss Emaline's Circle of Fashionable Friends