I just stumbled upon this charming set of pictures when I was looking for
18th century dress inspiration. It is from this lady's lovely
photography site Fashionable Frolick's Photostream. She makes very pretty 18th century clothing and also has some wonderful pictures from Colonial Williamsburg which is where these pictures were taken I believe.

These are pictures of a doll size milliner's shop which is a display inside a life size Milliner and Dressmaker's shop. Are they not delightful?
(If you click on the pictures they will take you to Fashionable Frolick's flicker account so you can see them a lot bigger.)
Isn't this dress gorgeous?
I am currently working on a mid 18th century dress for myself (Emaline), and I'm doing my best to actually finish a whole outfit including underpinnings, dress, hat, shoes, and accessories. I have completed the underpinnings and the skirt and I'm almost finished with the bodice. I've just started the shoes, and am dreaming up ideas for a hat! It is a dress for springtime so I'm hoping to have it finished before then. *smile*
So, for right now, my fingers are sewing busily and my head is thinking dreamily while my heart is sighing contentedly. I'm having such fun! I hope everyone is having a lovely January. Our January, or Winter weather, is just getting here. So I'm looking forward to some nice long snowy afternoons of reading, sewing, playing my violin and drinking tea.
Please tell me of your past, current or future projects! I'm aching to know what you all are doing!
So, Happy days and pleasant evenings to you all!
Love, Miss Emaline
Awe those pictures are so sweet, and inspiring! I can't wait to see your new dress and underpinnings and hat! I wish we could get together for a doll clothes making day! sigh...
Isn't it lovely? Don't you want a dress makers shop like that?
Indeed! What loveliness that would be to have a play day for making clothes! Ah me...
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