Hello, my name is Cora Ashling Gallagher. I am the daughter of James and Brigid Gallagher. My father was an Irish fisherman who comes from the County of Donegal in Ireland.

Here is my family crest:

I love to walk by the seaside singing beautiful Irish airs or sit around the fire playing music with my family. I play the tin whistle as best I can while father plays the bagpipes and my brother Desmond beats his
bodrhan. My youngest sister, Caera ("Kee-ra"), is not old enough to play yet she sings along with our music.
I'm so happy to be a part of Miss Emaline's Circle of Fashionable friends and look forward to sharing my wardrobe and stories of my adventures and travels over the years. I've had a great many adventures to tell of! I feel honored to share my story with you.
Welcome most sincerely to our humble (and grateful) society!
Good gracious me! I am so excited that you are a part of our circle! I am so honored to meet you and cannot wait to hear all the wonderful things about you and your adventures!
You have such a beautiful name! May I be so bold to ask what it means? I hope you'll forgive me for being so curious. =]
Yours ever, Miss Emaline
Thank you for the kind welcome Emaline!
Yes, of course you may ask the meaning of my name! :)
Cora means "Heart", "Maiden"
Ashling means "Vision" or "Dream"
Gallagher means "Lover of Foreigners"
Thank you again for the kind welcome and for allowing me into your fashionable circle. :)
Ever faithful,
Oh! Cora, my dearest of all dears! how do you do this fine day, and looking so well! Of course you've always been a beauty but "enchantress" might be a better word for today!
I'm sorry I'm talking so much darling but i just can't get over fact that YOU are to join US...,but wait! why do i say "us"? why it's not MY circle of friends! I'm not even on this thing yet! Silly me of course!, well you are to join my very frivolous friends, if that's the word I'm looking for...no i don't think it is..., in the circle! And I'm very glad of it!
Ah me! You DO, if i may say so, have a dreadfully handsome crest! I was very happy to see you at Em's Birthday party! My! Wasn't that cake delicious!
Good gracious me! look at the time! my! I'm sure you will never have time to read this for i must have gone on about ten minuets strait! oh dear! You will forgive me darling won't you? oh course I'm not the smartest thing on two china legs but I will try and do better next time. hmm? Oh so glad and happy that you've come! My love always,
Mabel Jane
It is so nice to have you!
I'm sorry that I am kinda late welcoming you, but I have been busy!
Nice to meet you
Miss Sarah Kalei and Miss Savannah Mariee
Thank you so much for the warm welcome Miss Mabel, Miss Sarah, and Miss Savannah!
Mabel dear, that cake was quite delicious! Olive is such a splendid baker and her lovely floral decorations were breathtaking! We really must get together when you return from your holiday. I'm in desperate need of some fashionable circle time.
Welcome!!! It's so nice to meet a fellow Ireladner!!!! Can't wait to see your cothes!!
Miss~ Fiona G Harison!!
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