Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A Headache of a Header

Well... I have FINALLY gotten this ridiculous header to work! -- Now that it's February. "Indeed!" I say to myself with the greatest indignation. Well... we may as well enjoy it for a while...
Because I REFUSE to take it off right away after if took ages to get right.  AGH!
.....*Breathing to calm down*
Ehem... While I am not sorry at all for the insults aimed at this HORRID header, I am truly sorry for my dreadful outburst of emotion which I will try to subdue in future.
I thank you all my dear companions for being so patient with me. 
With Love and utmost gratitude, 


Jeannette said...

pretty pretty pretty

Anna Kristine said...

That is SO pretty!!! Yes definately leave it up! I don't mind if you leave it up all year...I was born in January anyway...heehee :)

SisterlyLove said...
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SisterlyLove said...

Miss Emaline! You are betraying your emotions!

The header is beautiful!

SisterlyLove said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you!
You are all so very kind my sweet friends!
*big hug*

SisterlyLove said...

Calm. we must be calm.
It looks lovely... like a vintage Victorian magazine...