Monday, January 28, 2013

Pride and Prejudice: 200 years

 "It is a truth uni­ver­sally ac­know­ledged, that a single man in pos­ses­sion of a good for­tune, must be in want of a wife.”- Jane Austen (The opening words from her 2nd novel, Pride and Prejudice.)
Today, January 28, 2013, is the 200th anniversary of when Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice was first published.

It is a delightful story and a wonderful book.
One of the most loveable and quotable movies I've ever seen.
My favorite happens to be The 1995 A&E miniseries. But I really do love them all.
 It is our most favorite "sewing movie" because we've seen it so many times that we can turn it on and sew for hours and know exactly what's going on even without looking. It's beautiful and pleasant and the costumes are so inspiring.
 I also love the music.
And of course we had the 6 VHS set which had the Main Theme and Credits before AND after each episode. So it is one that I've heard many, MANY times. =]
It has so many memories attached to it... Tea parties, sewing days and movie nights with friends are what come to mind.
And notably...
Aunt K. singing "SLUUUUUUMBER DE-A' MAAAID...." which had all of us laughing hysterically and then running out of the room when certain brothers creeped us all out by doing the Mr. Collins wave. (You know who you are.)  :)
Ha ha! I thought this picture from Old Fashioned Charm was great (and oh-so-creepy)!

One day I'd love to make a doll size regency dress, maybe even a replica of one from the movie.
I am particularly fond of this costume:
Well, I hope everyone already loves this story as much as I do and if you haven't read or watched it yet, then you are in for an unparallelled pleasure!

  There's been all sorts of fun Pride and Prejudice themed posts and events on different blogs. For instance here is one: Elegance of Fashion: 200 Years of Pride and Prejudice. It is full of very interesting articles, pictures and some very fun comparisons of the different films and the like.

Thanks for reading!
♥Miss Emaline

1 comment:

SisterlyLove said...

One of THE BEST books and movies of all time. I just love the language in it. "I'm not accustomed to language such as this!"

Ha ha! Oh man..I miss those J's!!!